Shotgun API Snippet Collection

Today I started a collection of Shotgun API code snippets on GitHub - not much going on there yet but I’m going to be posting the solutions that I have found to Shotgun problems there and hope to build on it as a collection of more developed examples of Shotgun customization.

If you have something to add, please drop me a line!

Helping The Largest Indy Record Label Migrate Their Metadata

I’ve recently been asked to work with Epitaph Records as the Project Manager for their metadata migration project.

They are moving all of their music assets and all the associated meta-data to a single cloud-based database system. This should be a great project with lots of spin-offs down the line. I’ll tell you more about who the players are and how the project shakes out when official announcements come out at the end of the gig!

I’ve got my hands full coordinating the efforts of development team to work out a data transfer procedure in two directions and then get it all integrated into a self-updating web-site for Epitaph. Very exciting.

PhotoCine Expo

I’m going to be the host (MC) of the PhotoCine Expo on September 25th and 26th, 2010. Last year I produced and MC’d at the Collision Conference. This year I’m partnered with a new company to put on this event and am really excited by the line-up of great speakers we’ve got.